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Average dentist currently works to age 74

Updated: May 18, 2018

The average 50 year old Dentist can expect to retire somewhere between 75 and 80

Average dentist currently works to age 74


In The USA the average age of Dentists retiring in 2011 was 69.3   This was not a projected statistic but rather an actual recorded average retirement age.

In 2001 the average retiring Dentist in the USA was 64.8

A simple projection of the above statistic would suggest that the average Dentist in the USA retiring this year is 72.4.

Taking the above projection further, the average 50 year old Dentist can expect to retire somewhere between 75 and 80.

Of course a simple progression of this sort will break down at some point, but the message is that you are likely to be working far longer than you might expect.

A mandatory retirement age was recently in the spotlight when the European Court of Justice ruled in favor of Germany’s law mandating retirement for dentists and firefighters past a certain age

“If you can be US president in your 70’s, why not a dentist?”


As people age, their life expectancy actually increases. Each year you live means that you have survived all sorts of potential causes of death

In 1950 life expectancy at birth was: 68.2  - at 65 it was 78.9

In 1980  life expectanc at birth was: 73.7 ,  - at 65 it was 81.4 , - at 75 it was 85.4

In 2003 life expectancy at birth was: 77 ,  - at 65 it was 83.4 , - at 75 it was 86.8

The Grumpy Dentist

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